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【魔兽世界】埃瑟里克斯·纳拉辛的故事,曾经的暴雪是如何 ...









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发表于 2022-9-21 05:08:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在《魔兽争霸Ⅲ冰封王座》的兽族战役最后一章,玩家能从塞拉摩的道具商店购买一些强大魔法道具,其中包括一件名为埃瑟里克斯的力量之戒(Athrikus' Ring of Power)的人造物品。这件装备能增强持有者三点全属性和五点护甲值,而且物品描述很值得关注:
Athrikus Narassin coveted the Well of Eternity and its arcane powers. When it finally exploded, Athrikus' magical items were blasted from his body and scattered across Kalimdor. He survived and found that he had been imbued with demonic powers which he used to chain the souls of lesser highborne to himself, granting immortality.
这枚戒指曾经属于名为埃瑟里克斯·纳拉辛(Athrikus Narassin)的上层精灵,他一直觊觎着永恒之井的力量。当永恒之井最后爆炸时候,虽然埃瑟里克斯拥有的魔法物品因此散落在卡利姆多大陆各地,但是他本人从这场灾难幸存,而且掌握一股神秘恶魔力量。他将那些较为弱小的上层精灵灵魂囚禁起来,获得永生的力量。故事到这里戛然而止,根据物品信息仅能知道上古之战期间,上层精灵法师埃瑟里克斯出现在靠近永恒之井的地方,他还通过囚禁一批上层精灵的灵魂获得永生的力量。但是埃瑟里克斯究竟是谁?他在哪里进行邪恶仪式?现如今又在哪里?
Long had the children of the stars dwelled upon the banks of the shimmering waters of the Eternal Well. To all was known that Elune, light of the eternal twilight, aspect and goddess of the moon, dwelt within its waters at such time that she rested from her works. Upon the shores of the Well did the children of the stars, favoured of Elune, build their homes, even as their gaze was trained ever skyward, into the moonlit night.
Though there were many towns and places of habitation constructed upon the lakeshore, Ameth'Aran and Bashal'Aran were the foremost, having the touch of Azshara, the Kaldorei's beloved queen, in their creation. Her favored servitors, those of the highborne, she brought to the twin towns to reside, and to govern them she placed Athrikus Narassin, though it would be that he would spend most of his days in his Tower of Althalaxx, some ways removed of the towns.
His second, a mage known of his prowess in the arcane arts as much as with his physical abilities, was Asterion, who lived among the people of Bashal'Aran, and went many times to Ameth'Aran, to see to the needs and wants of its people.
And so it was, upon the shores of the Well of Eternity, the twin towns grew and prospered, while the world beneath the stars fell slowly to madness.
The Earth trembled as the ancient trees in the enchanted forest were uprooted and toppled. The groves and glades tended by the sons and daughters of Cenarius and the stone towers of the Children of the Stars were brought to the rolling ground. There was our Queen, radiant even in the desperation, in the chaos that was the battles. The enchanted sky changed colors with the discharge of magic, with the explosions that threatened to tear the world asunder.
Brother fought brother, Chosen fought Blessed. It was not all the Highborne that fought. Some stood, transfixed, as the madness took them. Mighty cities and humble towns alike were felled around them.
In Ameth'Aran, all was in ruins, its people clinging to the ground as though that might spare them from the destruction. It was then that Athrikus Narassin, favored of Azshara, appeared to guide them to safety.
With a spell he could protect them, he would say. While around them, brother and sister, father and mother perished, they would have life eternal, and have naught to fear from the sundering to come...

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发表于 2025-2-9 02:41:02 | 显示全部楼层

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